January 16, 2002 was such a wonderful/ scary day!! I'll never forget the birthday of my baby Will!! He came into this world with a bang~ a bang that shot my heart wide open!! He gave us quite a scare with the whole platelet thing- then the whole open heart surgery trama- there was actually a time I was very unsure if we would even have our baby Will for eight years or even eight months!! But God sent his angels to be with Will 8 years ago and they haven't left our side!! I am so thankful for that day and each day since!! Will has been such a delight!! He was the most incredibly adorable baby!! And he is STILL the most incredibly adorable eight year old boy!! I didn't think I could love him more than I did on that day~ but I am amazed I love him exponetially more every day!! He is such a smart, funny, strong, sweet, wild, handsome, silly, rough and tough boy!! Happy Birthday Will!! These have been the best eight years of my life!!
Just look at those blond baby curls!!! So Sweet!
Happy 8th Birthday Will! (Will's Favorite Restaurant, Pablo's, for Birthday Lunch with Grandparents and cousins)!
I am honored to be your mommy! :)