Sunday, March 20, 2011


I want to Gaze at you
Soak in all you do
so simply at your feet
To your voice so sweet
And Let time Pass Away

As I simply Praise
My Lord I cry
Jehovah Elohim
The Lord Most High
and When my hands are raised
My Knees they fall
As I simply Praise

As I see your blood stains
As I see your pain
And I'll dance, dance, dance
Because I am set free
You are my conqueror
Jehovah Nissi
And Let time Pass Away

Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
So Let time Pass Away

My Daddy, My Abba, My Best Friend

**song and lyrics by Tal and Acacia

I know this song has been around awhile, but I just heard it today for the first time and it's exactly how I've been feeling!! I really want to be a blessing to others- but I can't be on my own! I know I've got to first just fill myself with Him- my Savior, my God, my Creator and Defender!! HE is all I need!! :)

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