Tuesday, June 15, 2010


"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." Matthew 13:44

I always loved VBS growing up~ I can remember tie-dying Tshirts, water balloon volleyball, red kool-aid, cookies, puppet shows and singing!! I remember walking down the aisle to give my heart to Jesus at VBS when I was nine years old!!

This year our church is doing "Backyard Vacation Bible School"!! It has been great so far, vvverrryyy HOT, but really great!! ;) We have had between 11 to 14 children, mainly all boys- just one girl, all between the ages 3-8 years old!! I have enjoyed so much the fun fellowship with my friends!! My job is telling the Bible stories, we are talking about several of Jesus' parables... I always get more from the lessons than the children, I think!! I am praying that the Holy Spirit would prick the hearts of these children (and mine)~ so they would want to treasure Him more than anything else in this world!


Dollar General said...

I'm sure Jason will steal that picture and use it in a powerpoint soon! That's a GREAT idea!! LOVE IT!

Dollar General said...

We missed you today swimming! We got it in before the rain! About 45 minutes - but we did it!