Monday, June 29, 2009


Well, I usually do not look forward to Mondays, however, we have not had the greatest week and weekend, so I'm glad it is over!! It all started the Saturday before Father's Day!! Clint woke up with a fever and body aches that lasted five days!! We sadly had to cancel the Father's Day cookout at my house!! Anyway, we were still looking forward to Friday the 26th- we were supposed to leave for a weekend beach trip with just me and my sweetie!- On Friday, though, I wake up with a fever and body aches, so the beach trip was over before it even began!! BooHoo! I cried all day on Friday!
* One good thing is my fever virus didn't last as long (just long enough to ruin a much needed beach trip) as Clint's!! I am trying very hard not to be bitter, but to move ahead and continue having fun at home!!

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."- from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Friday, June 19, 2009

Bowling Pictures!

We have been bowling a couple of times and it has really been so much fun!! I think it is so much fun because of who we are with- Page, Jason, Delilah and Bret, all the kids- all we do is laugh and enjoy the kids!!! Francie had never been before and didn't exactly know what we were talking about- it didn't take very long for her to start bowling all by herself!! She gets so excited and cheers every time!! She bowled a 75 her first time!! (of course we have guards and a slide that help her!)

The boys invented a new way to bowl using teamwork!! I am just waiting on one of them to get a broken toe! They use the heaviest ball they can find and altogether send it down the lane!! They are very cute!! **Will is a natural at bowling- his first time he bowled a 120!! He came in second to Anna who bowled a 134!!!

Will and Francie have loved going to the "Bowling Party" each week!! And after this we have ventured going to Chick-fil-A for free dinner!! It is truly a fun, fun, fun, event!!!

I wish it could be SUMMER FOREVER!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fun in the Sun!!

So, the first priority of summer is lots of fun!! Which we are beginning to master! The next most important part is sleep! We've gotten so much sleep- it's luxurious!! We have been swimming and playing in the Elmo sprinkler!! It has been great!! The kids have been so good!! We've even gone bowling- which was a blast!! It was so much fun!! (pictures to follow soon)
I am just trying to enjoy every minute of every day!! I am so thankful to have this time to recooperate from the school year and share these precious moments with my kids!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Beginning!

I have been waiting for this since the first week of October! It is finally here- SUMMER!! There is nothing really special planned today, just sleep late, 9:00 will do! Hang out at home, breathe, be with my beautiful children!

I am glad to be able to get this break! It has been 5 years since I got to stay home for the summer! Will and Francie don't quite understand the concept yet- they've always had to be at daycare with me during the summer! They deserve a nice break too! They worked sooo hard at school! I am so proud of them! They learned so much and are really so smart!!! They had the most awesome teachers any parent could ever ask for! God really blessed us with them!! They both have a special place in my heart!! I was worried about moving them to a new school,but it turned out to be better than I could have ever thought! Praise God!!

Today is full of watching Olivia and playing video games!!!!

It was bittersweet yesterday packing up my room- due to the economy and low enrollment I may not have a job in the fall! I was happy to have a challenging year behind me, but sad that I may not see my friends or be able to work at the school that I love! The plan is that they will fill up one class and start a waiting list for the other. If they get a certain number on the waiting list they will open my class!! I am praying that God will bring that number, if He has another plan I want to be available, even though it will be hard to begin new again! I am not going to worry away my first summer in five years though! I will pray and pray and worry later!!! I don't want to miss a second of enjoying relaxation and family!!

"Trust in Him at all times; O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us." (Psalm 62:8)